Saturday, July 24, 2010

Chicago Concert: The Circle Tour 2010

I missed "The Lost Highway Tour", because of personal issues and my dad dying of lung cancer. When the tickets went on sale, it was the same day he died and I thought it to be in poor taste for me to even think about it. I missed alot that year, but my family and I came first. Then Summerfest came around and I guess it was bad timing on my part cause even though I tried for tickets 5 times, I just couldn't catch a break. So I was hoping that I would get tickets this time for Chicago. I bought a fan club ticket for the 30th. So I will be there. I'm coming with 2 friends who got fan club tickets also but are not sitting with me. They have better seats. I'm hoping I can see the stage, but hey I'm there. I'm in section A2, row 38, seat 12. My favorite band is Bon Jovi. But the one person I really want to see is Richie. He's my guitar hero. I love to see his fingers fly across the strings. He's very good looking, that has not been missed by me. I love his smile and his humor. I have seen and heard many interviews. Mostly I don't care what he wears because he's got great taste in clothes. He does look very good in black. Oh and I love the stetson. Gotta have it on for 'Wanted' always. I would love it if he sang 'Homebound Train' on the 30th, since I'm sure I'm going to that concert. Saturday the 31st, that show is depending if I get a ticket or not. And within my price range and in my budget. I have favorites that don't have to be played, but I'll tell you them anyway. I love and it's my very favorite song, 'In These Arms'. Others I love are: Captain Crash and The Beauty Queen from Mars(with the sway of course), Living On A Prayer, Blood On Blood, Shout(all of it), Loves The Only Rule, Superman Tonight, And Thorn In My side(with the Jon/Richie guitar duet at the end). I've only seen it done once, through friends' videos.

I live about about an hour and a half away from Chicago in a town called Dwight and my name is Barb. I did not ask for special seating(I am disabled) cause I wanted to enjoy a normal experience seeing my favorite band. I can hardly wait and I also hope I win for the 31st, so I won't have to worry about a ticket. If not I got one great night. One special night. See you soon. Barb